Epic Mine



In the game, you will need to correctly organize the smelting of resources in order to sell everything as profitably as possible. At the same time, it is important not to forget that resources should also be spent on skill upgrades! The game values quick reactions, but the ability to earn well will allow you to overcome any difficult spot in the game with patience and intelligence.


Your task is to dig to the center of the Earth and save your bearded friends from a terrible disaster. But... wait! What is that lurking in the darkness??? Quickly grab the dynamite!


THE DEEPEST mine in the world How to smelt bismuth? Where to find diamonds? Which pickaxe is better? The gnomes from the old village will help you figure out all the intricacies of mining craft. SIMPLE AND PLEASANT gameplay • Play with one hand, convenient controls. • Explore abandoned (but not exactly) mines and catacombs. • Find chests with treasures. • Collect pickaxes! There are 50+ of them here. • Defeat bosses! • Level up your character! PHYSICAL DESTRUCTION of walls In this game, walls can be broken with a pickaxe, blown up with dynamite, dissolved with acid, melted and frozen with magic. The main thing is that they beautifully crumble into pieces and valuable resources fall out of them

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